Il METEO blocca il TOUR DE FRANCE nel giorno di EGAN BERNAL pubblicato il 26/07/2019
Egan Bernal conquista la maglia gialla sul Col de l'iseran e la veste a Tignes © Photo A.S.O.

19a tappa  Ven 26 Luglio  SAINT-JEAN-DE-MAURIENNE > TIGNES - tappa di montagna 126.5 Km


© Photo A.S.O.

Il METEO blocca il TOUR DE FRANCE nel giorno di EGAN BERNAL

26 luglio 2019 - Al Tour de France abbiamo dovuto registrare oggi l'abbandono di Tibaut Pinot che a 93,5 km dall’arrivo della 19a tappa SAINT-JEAN-DE-MAURIENNETIGNES di 126.5 Km, ha avuto necessità di farsi assistere dall’auto medica che lo ha fasciato all’altezza del ginocchio sinistro, in seguito ad un problema riscontrato nella tappa di ieri come comunicato dal team Groupama-FDJ del francese:
" Thibaut Pinot soffre di una lesione muscolare nella coscia sinistra. Ha terminato la ieri la 18a tappa del Tour de France con grande dolore ed ha avuto difficoltà a camminare ieri sera.

Sentendo un leggero miglioramento temporaneo legato alle cure fornite dal team medico giovedì sera, Thibaut Pinot è partito per la19a tappa.

Tuttavia, questo miglioramento è stato insufficiente per renderlo competitivo. Thibaut Pinot è quindi stato costretto all'abbandono durante lo svolgimento della tappa."

Ai meno 85 km,  Pinot con le lacrime agli occhi, è stato costretto al ritiro dal TOUR DE FRANCE 2019!


© Photo A.S.O.
Sulla salita più alta del Tour, in vista del gran premio della montaga ai 2770 mt del Col de l'Iseran, è iniziata la vera corsa con Thomas che a differenza di ieri ha lavorato per l'uomo più forte della INEOS, Bernal che ieri ha dinostrato di potere dire la sua sulle salite alpine della Grande Boucle. 
Il gallese maglia gialla di un anno fà, con la sua azione ha sfiancato la maglia gialla Alaphilippe che si è staccato quasi subito, poi si è visto anche l'allungo dell'olandese
Kruijswijk ed infine Bernal che è partito  all'attacco facendo il vuoto.
Via via che la cima si avvicinava Alaphilippe cedeva secondi che diventano minuti, fino a quando la maglia gialla virtuale è passata al colombiano della INEOS.


© Photo A.S.O.


A 38 km dall’arrivo sul Col de l’Iserain, EGAN BERNAL all’attacco da un paio di chilometri, è già virtualmente al comando della Grande Boucle; anche Simon Yates che era davanti prima che il colombiano lo sopraggiungesse, fa fatica a tenere le ruote del giovane in maglia bianca che tutto solo al comando transita ai 2770 metri di altezza della vetta del Tour 2019 dedicata ad Henri Desgrange.

A quel punto Julian Alaphilippe stava subendo un distacco di 1’45” da Bernal quando il vantaggio del campione della Deceuninck-Quick Step alla partenza era di 1’35”.



La 19a tappa termina ufficialmente con i tempi presi in cima al GPM del Col de l’Iseran a causa di una copiosa grandinata che ha reso impraticabile la strada in Val d’Isere!
I corridori in corsa sono stati avvisati che la corsa era finita sull'Iseran, mentre stavano affrontando la discesa con Bernal già in maglia gialla virtuale e con lo stupore dei più.
Il disappunto di alcuni come Alaphilippe ed Uran ed il sorriso di altri come Thomas e Bernal sono evidenti, in  seguito in fondo alla discesa in Val  d'Isere, la corsa si è fermata perchè la strada per TIgnes, la sede d'arrivo era bloccata da acqua e fango. 

© Photo A.S.O.

Solo dopo un paio di ore quando le ruspe hanno potuto liberare la strada per Tignes, si è potuto celebrare il cerimoniale di premiazione della nuova maglia gialla Egan Bernal e dei leader di tutte le altre classifiche, al termine di questa particolare giornata del Tour de France.

Egan Bernal conquista la maglia gialla sul Col de l'iseran e la veste a Tignes © Photo A.S.O.

Egan Bernal domenica a Parigi potrà regalare, salvo altri colpi di scena, il primo Tour de France alla Colombia, entrando così nella storia del ciclismo.

Julian Alaphilippe "arrivederci maglia gialla" © Photo A.S.O.

Bernal rides into yellow

Egan Bernal powered into the Tour de France yellow jersey after a memorable 19th stage.
The Colombian accelerated clear of his rivals on the Tour’s highest climb – the Col de l’Iseran – cresting the summit first and plunging on to the descent.
Unknown to the riders, the combination of a flash snow storm and a landslide made the roads up ahead impassable. A quick decision from the race organisers saw the stage neutralised, before eventually being cancelled on grounds of rider safety.
As the riders pulled up in Val d’Isere, the decision was made to take the general classification times from the top of the Iseran. With his eight-second time bonus applied, Bernal moves into a 48-second overall lead, pulling on the yellow jersey in only his second ever Grand Tour.
Bernal’s attack came off the back of an initial acceleration from Geraint Thomas. The Welshman was hauled back by his rivals, and was able to sit in as Bernal opened out his advantage. Thomas now sits third overall, 1:16 back on his team-mate, with Julian Alaphilippe (Deceuninck-Quick-Step) holding on to second. The yellow jersey was distanced on the climb, but remains in the podium mix heading into the final day in the mountains.

The team worked hard to set up the move, with Jonathan Castroviejo putting in another big shift setting the tempo in the lead-up to the climb. Dylan van Baarle again made the break, before dropping back to ride on the front, providing the launchpad for our dual attacks.


- Egan Bernal

"To be honest, I didn’t know what was happening. I’ve been told in the radio that the race was finished and I said ‘no I want to keep going’. There were talking to me in English and I was not sure. Only after I stopped and my director told me that I was in yellow, I felt relieved.

"It’s incredible. I can’t believe it. I want to ride full gas tomorrow and then arrive to Paris and once I cross the line, I’ll start believing this is true. There’s one hard stage remaining. It’s a short one. I’ll give it all on the road. To become the first Colombian winner of the Tour de France would be amazing."

- Geraint Thomas

"If was a funny one because if we’d known [about the cancellation] beforehand it would have been more of a race to the top of that last climb. But it’s one of those things. It’s out of everyone’s control.
"It’s all ifs and buts. The main thing is that we’ve got the jersey in the team now and we’re in a great position. We just have to go in there and finish the job off tomorrow now. 
"Going into the last stage Egan’s in yellow. The main thing is he finishes the job. For sure he’ll have a decent advantage over everyone else. I fully support him now. He’s been incredible from the start and he’s a phenomenal talent."

- Sir Dave Brailsford

"First and foremost there’s obviously been a landslide – quite a considerable one. You’ve got to make sure everyone is alright. There’s bike racing and then there’s the health and safety of everyone. I just hope everyone is alright. 
"Fortune favours the brave at the end of the day. As we said this morning we were going to take it on. We’ve maybe not been the strongest that we’ve been all race, but today was the day. We thought if there was anywhere that we could make the difference it was on the Iseran. It was going to be hard to get there and I actually thought the guys rode really well. From Dylan getting in the break, to Castro and the guys – with Wout pushing the tempo at the bottom. We executed a plan, with G going first, Egan went over the top. Who knows what would have happened after that. It was nice to get to the top of the Iseran in that situation which is what we were hoping for. 
"Obviously there’s quite a lot of downhill and another climb to come. But we don’t control the weather or the circumstances."



Questa la classifica generale al termine della 19a tappa della Grande Boucle

1 Egan BERNAL (Col) Team Ineos 
2 Julian ALAPHILIPPE (Fra) Deceuninck-QuickStep +00'45” 
3 Geraint THOMAS (GBr) Team Ineos +01’03" 
4 Steven KRUIJSWIJraggK (Ned) Team Jumbo-Visma +01’15" 
5 Emanuel BUCHMANN (Ger) Bora-Hansgrohe +01’42”

Classifiche 19a tappa del Tour de France

L'ordine d'arrivo al passaggio dal GPM del Col de l'Iseran-Souvenir Henri Desgrange, al km 89 della 19a tappa, è stato annullato, mentre è rimasto valido per assegnare i tempi ai fini della classifica generale per della maglia gialla. 
1    Egan Bernal (Col) Team Ineos    40     pts
2    Simon Yates (GBr) Mitchelton-Scott    30     
3    Warren Barguil (Fra) Arkéa Samsic    24     
4    Laurens De Plus (Bel) Team Jumbo-Visma    20     
5    Steven Kruijswijk (Ned) Team Jumbo-Visma    16     
6    Geraint Thomas (GBr) Team Ineos    12     
7    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Hansgrohe    8     
 Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Bahrain-Merida    4


Classifica generale al termine della 19a tappa del Tour de France
1    Egan Bernal (Col) Team Ineos    78:00:42     

2    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Deceuninck-QuickStep    0:00:48     
3    Geraint Thomas (GBr) Team Ineos    0:01:16     
4    Steven Kruijswijk (Ned) Team Jumbo-Visma    0:01:28     
5    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Hansgrohe    0:01:55     
6    Mikel Landa (Spa) Movistar Team    0:04:35     
7    Rigoberto Uran (Col) EF Education First    0:05:14     
8    Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team    0:05:17     
9    Alejandro Valverde (Spa) Movistar Team    0:06:25     
10    Richie Porte (Aus) Trek-Segafredo    0:06:28     
11    Warren Barguil (Fra) Arkéa Samsic    0:07:03     
12    Guillaume Martin (Fra) Wanty-Gobert    0:16:18     
13    David Gaudu (Fra) Groupama-FDJ    0:20:45     
Fabio Aru (Ita) UAE Team Emirates    0:23:14     
15    Roman Kreuziger (Cze) Dimension Data    0:26:10     
16    Romain Bardet (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    0:26:26     
17    Alexey Lutsenko (Kaz) Astana Pro Team    0:40:17     
18    Sébastien Reichenbach (Swi) Groupama-FDJ    0:40:45     
19    Daniel Martin (Irl) UAE Team Emirates    0:42:37     
20    George Bennett (NZl) Team Jumbo-Visma    0:44:27     
21    Xandro Meurisse (Bel) Wanty-Gobert    0:46:44     
22    Jesus Herrada (Spa) Cofidis Solutions Credits    0:48:32     
23    Enric Mas (Spa) Deceuninck-QuickStep    0:52:53     
24    Laurens De Plus (Bel) Team Jumbo-Visma    0:58:07     
25    Gregor Mühlberger (Aut) Bora-Hansgrohe    1:03:48     
26    Tanel Kangert (Est) EF Education First    1:06:26     
27    Bauke Mollema (Ned) Trek-Segafredo    1:06:31     
28    Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) CCC Team    1:11:14     
29    Patrick Konrad (Aut) Bora-Hansgrohe    1:11:37     
30    Wout Poels (Ned) Team Ineos    1:11:52     
31    Rudy Molard (Fra) Groupama-FDJ    1:12:19     
32    Julien Bernard (Fra) Trek-Segafredo    1:13:20     
Giulio Ciccone (Ita) Trek-Segafredo    1:13:35     
34    Mikael Cherel (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale          
35    Adam Yates (GBr) Mitchelton-Scott    1:14:37     
36    Michael Woods (Can) EF Education First    1:15:51     
37    Jack Haig (Aus) Mitchelton-Scott    1:27:36     
38    Jasper Stuyven (Bel) Trek-Segafredo    1:27:45     
39    Nicolas Roche (Irl) Team Sunweb    1:29:41     
40    Alexis Vuillermoz (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    1:31:02     
41    Gorka Izagirre Insausti (Spa) Astana Pro Team    1:31:44     
42    Marc Soler (Spa) Movistar Team    1:32:47     
Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Bahrain-Merida    1:36:53     
44    Lennard Kämna (Ger) Team Sunweb    1:36:59     
Matteo Trentin (Ita) Mitchelton-Scott    1:37:05     
46    Sergio Henao (Col) UAE Team Emirates    1:37:10     
47    Dylan van Baarle (Ned) Team Ineos    1:39:56     
48    Dylan Teuns (Bel) Bahrain-Merida    1:40:52     
49    Mathias Frank (Swi) AG2R La Mondiale    1:41:22     
50    Jonathan Castroviejo (Spa) Team Ineos    1:43:17     
51    Pello Bilbao (Spa) Astana Pro Team    1:50:14     
52    Simon Yates (GBr) Mitchelton-Scott    1:51:28     
Damiano Caruso (Ita) Bahrain-Merida    1:51:31     
54    Rui Costa (Por) UAE Team Emirates    1:51:32     
55    Ilnur Zakarin (Rus) Katusha-Alpecin    1:52:54     
56    Tiesj Benoot (Bel) Lotto Soudal    1:53:40     
57    Andrey Amador (CRc) Movistar Team    1:55:07     
58    Simon Clarke (Aus) EF Education First    1:55:46     
59    Simon Geschke (Ger) CCC Team    1:56:01     
Fabio Felline (Ita) Trek-Segafredo    1:56:32     
61    Tony Gallopin (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    1:57:11     
62    Pierre Luc Perichon (Fra) Cofidis Solutions Credits    1:58:28     
63    Michael Matthews (Aus) Team Sunweb    2:00:37     
64    Oliver Naesen (Bel) AG2R La Mondiale    2:00:46     
65    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    2:01:31     
66    Ben King (USA) Dimension Data    2:02:21     
67    Nils Politt (Ger) Katusha-Alpecin    2:02:44     
Alberto Bettiol (Ita) EF Education First    2:03:27     
69    Rein Taaramäe (Est) Total Direct Energie    2:07:21     
70    Michael Schär (Swi) CCC Team    2:08:57     
71    Edvald Boasson Hagen (Nor) Dimension Data    2:10:42     
72    Serge Pauwels (Bel) CCC Team    2:15:26     
73    Omar Fraile (Spa) Astana Pro Team    2:16:25     
74    Michael Valgren Andersen (Den) Dimension Data    2:17:23     
75    Maxime Bouet (Fra) Arkéa Samsic    2:17:26     
76    Joseph Rosskopf (USA) CCC Team    2:21:18     
77    Daryl Impey (RSA) Mitchelton-Scott    2:21:59     
78    Toms Skujins (Lat) Trek-Segafredo    2:22:07     
79    Michal Kwiatkowski (Pol) Team Ineos    2:23:11     
80    Nelson Oliveira (Por) Movistar Team    2:24:05     
Gianni Moscon (Ita) Team Ineos    2:26:13     
82    Peter Sagan (Svk) Bora-Hansgrohe    2:28:49     
83    Elie Gesbert (Fra) Arkéa Samsic    2:30:43     
84    Romain Sicard (Fra) Total Direct Energie    2:32:32     
Andrea Pasqualon (Ita) Wanty-Gobert    2:32:52     
Sonny Colbrelli (Ita) Bahrain-Merida    2:33:28     
Daniel Oss (Ita) Bora-Hansgrohe    2:36:23     
88    Anthony Perez (Fra) Cofidis Solutions Credits    2:38:16     
89    Natnael Berhane (Eri) Cofidis Solutions Credits    2:38:47     
90    Jan Tratnik (Slo) Bahrain-Merida    2:42:02     
91    Tim Wellens (Bel) Lotto Soudal    2:42:12     
92    Anthony Delaplace (Fra) Arkéa Samsic    2:42:47     
93    Dries Devenyns (Bel) Deceuninck-QuickStep    2:43:07     
94    Amael Moinard (Fra) Arkéa Samsic    2:44:06     
95    Mike Teunissen (Ned) Team Jumbo-Visma    2:46:21     
96    Hugo Houle (Can) Astana Pro Team    2:47:33     
97    Stéphane Rossetto (Fra) Cofidis Solutions Credits    2:48:27     
98    Paul Ourselin (Fra) Total Direct Energie    2:48:55     
99    Jens Keukeleire (Bel) Lotto Soudal    2:50:34     
100    Stefan Küng (Swi) Groupama-FDJ    2:51:41     
101    Anthony Roux (Fra) Groupama-FDJ    2:53:25     
102    Imanol Erviti (Spa) Movistar Team    2:55:56     
103    Sven Erik Bystrøm (Nor) UAE Team Emirates    2:59:07     
104    Kevin Ledanois (Fra) Arkéa Samsic    2:59:36     
105    Lilian Calmejane (Fra) Total Direct Energie    3:01:06     
106    Julien Simon (Fra) Cofidis Solutions Credits    3:03:47     
107    Christopher Juul Jensen (Den) Mitchelton-Scott    3:04:19     
108    Ivan Garcia (Spa) Bahrain-Merida    3:05:30     
109    Vegard Stake Laengen (Nor) UAE Team Emirates    3:06:17     
110    Magnus Cort Nielsen (Den) Astana Pro Team    3:07:12     
111    Carlos Verona (Spa) Movistar Team    3:07:15     
112    Nikias Arndt (Ger) Team Sunweb    3:07:40     
113    Odd Christian Eiking (Nor) Wanty-Gobert    3:08:36     
114    Luke Durbridge (Aus) Mitchelton-Scott    3:08:40     
115    Mads Würtz Schmidt (Den) Katusha-Alpecin    3:09:02     
116    Benoit Cosnefroy (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    3:09:22     
117    Matej Mohoric (Slo) Bahrain-Merida    3:12:29     
118    Jasper De Buyst (Bel) Lotto Soudal    3:13:33     
119    Alexis Gougeard (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    3:15:55     
120    Kasper Asgreen (Den) Deceuninck-QuickStep    3:16:57     
121    Fabien Grellier (Fra) Total Direct Energie    3:19:40     
122    Florian Vachon (Fra) Arkéa Samsic    3:25:19     
123    Lukasz Wisniowski (Pol) CCC Team    3:25:32     
124    Frederik Backaert (Bel) Wanty-Gobert    3:25:52     
125    Reinardt Janse Van Rensburg (RSA) Dimension Data    3:26:33     
126    Matthieu Ladagnous (Fra) Groupama-FDJ    3:26:40     
127    Koen de Kort (Ned) Trek-Segafredo    3:27:05     
128    José Gonçalves (Por) Katusha-Alpecin    3:31:12     
129    Anthony Turgis (Fra) Total Direct Energie    3:33:57     
130    Yves Lampaert (Bel) Deceuninck-QuickStep    3:34:04     
 Elia Viviani (Ita) Deceuninck-QuickStep    3:35:25     
132    Chad Haga (USA) Team Sunweb    3:36:05     
133    Caleb Ewan (Aus) Lotto Soudal    3:36:23     
134    Tom Scully (NZl) EF Education First    3:36:39     
135    Stephen Cummings (GBr) Dimension Data    3:38:24     
136    Aime De Gendt (Bel) Wanty-Gobert    3:39:02     
137    Alexander Kristoff (Nor) UAE Team Emirates    3:39:41     
138    Amund Grøndahl Jansen (Nor) Team Jumbo-Visma    3:41:23     
Niccolò Bonifazio (Ita) Total Direct Energie    3:42:20     
140    Marcus Burghardt (Ger) Bora-Hansgrohe    3:43:39     
141    Dylan Groenewegen (Ned) Team Jumbo-Visma    3:46:37     
142    André Greipel (Ger) Arkéa Samsic    3:46:57     
143    Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Deceuninck-QuickStep    3:47:41     
144    William Bonnet (Fra) Groupama-FDJ    3:47:49     
145    Michael Hepburn (Aus) Mitchelton-Scott    3:48:03     
146    Kevin Van Melsen (Bel) Wanty-Gobert    3:48:54     
147    Roger Kluge (Ger) Lotto Soudal    3:50:33     
148    Marco Haller (Aut) Katusha-Alpecin    3:50:34     
149    Lars Bak (Den) Dimension Data    3:51:14     
150    Alex Dowsett (GBr) Katusha-Alpecin    3:53:15     
151    Maxime Monfort (Bel) Lotto Soudal    3:54:50     
152    Michael Mørkøv (Den) Deceuninck-QuickStep    3:59:00     
153    Jens Debusschere (Bel) Katusha-Alpecin    4:08:34     
154    Sebastian Langeveld (Ned) EF Education First    4:13:50     
155    Yoann Offredo (Fra) Wanty-Gobert    4:13:53


Classifica a punti al termine della 19a tappa del Tour de France maglia verde
1    Peter Sagan (Svk) Bora-Hansgrohe    309     pts
Elia Viviani (Ita) Deceuninck-QuickStep    224     
Sonny Colbrelli (Ita) Bahrain-Merida    203     
4    Michael Matthews (Aus) Team Sunweb    201     
5    Caleb Ewan (Aus) Lotto Soudal    198     
 Matteo Trentin (Ita) Mitchelton-Scott    180     
7    Jasper Stuyven (Bel) Trek-Segafredo    157     
8    Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) CCC Team    149     
9    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Deceuninck-QuickStep    119     
10    Dylan Groenewegen (Ned) Team Jumbo-Visma    116     


Classifica delle montagne al termine della 19a tappa del Tour de France maglia a pois
1    Romain Bardet (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    86     pts
2    Tim Wellens (Bel) Lotto Soudal    74     
Damiano Caruso (Ita) Bahrain-Merida    67     
4    Simon Yates (GBr) Mitchelton-Scott    59     
5    Egan Bernal (Col) Team Ineos    58     
6    Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team    58     
7    Alexey Lutsenko (Kaz) Astana Pro Team    45     
8    Steven Kruijswijk (Ned) Team Jumbo-Visma    40     
9    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    38     
10    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Deceuninck-QuickStep    33     


Classifica dei giovani al termine della 19a tappa del Tour de France maglia bianca
1    Egan Bernal (Col) Team Ineos    78:00:42     
2    David Gaudu (Fra) Groupama-FDJ    0:20:45     
3    Enric Mas (Spa) Deceuninck-QuickStep    0:52:53     
4    Laurens De Plus (Bel) Team Jumbo-Visma    0:58:07     
5    Gregor Mühlberger (Aut) Bora-Hansgrohe    1:03:48     
Giulio Ciccone (Ita) Trek-Segafredo    1:13:35     
7    Lennard Kämna (Ger) Team Sunweb    1:36:59     
8    Tiesj Benoot (Bel) Lotto Soudal    1:53:40     
9    Nils Politt (Ger) Katusha-Alpecin    2:02:44     
Gianni Moscon (Ita) Team Ineos    2:26:13     
Classifica squadre al termine della 19a tappa del Tour de France
1    Movistar Team    234:09:23     
2    Trek-Segafredo    0:28:45     
3    Team Ineos    0:57:42     
4    EF Education First    1:15:15     
5    Bora-Hansgrohe    1:17:30     
6    Groupama-FDJ    1:28:09     
7    Team Jumbo-Visma    1:30:30     
8    AG2R La Mondiale    1:51:55     
9    UAE Team Emirates    1:57:02     
10    Astana Pro Team    2:13:23     
11    Mitchelton-Scott    2:27:32     
12    Deceuninck-QuickStep    2:50:49     
13    Wanty-Gobert Cycling Team    3:25:43     
14    CCC Team    3:29:38     
15    Dimension Data    3:43:28     
16    Bahrain-Merida    3:50:18     
17    Cofidis Solutions Credits    4:00:20     
18    Team Arkea-Samsic    4:08:37     
19    Team Sunweb    4:10:49     
20    Lotto Soudal    5:31:04     
21    Total Direct Energie    6:36:01     
22    Katusha-Alpecin    7:03:57


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