Mark Cavendish vince con il Poker la 14a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

14a tappa sabato 16 luglio - 208.5 km  - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux

Planimetria 14a tappa

Altimetria 14a tappa

TV 14a tappa                                         Ultimi km 14a tappa

Mark Cavendish vince con il Poker la 14a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway


immagine dall'alto dell'arrivo della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France © Immagine A.S.O.

Le immagini che testimoniano l'arrivo contestato da Kittel nei confronti di un Cavendish che sembra ostacolare il tedesco in volata, ma in realtà il cambio di direzione del campione della Dimension Data, avviene dopo aver superato il tedesco della Etixx-Quick Step, per cui la giuria ha ritenuto l''arrivo regolare e Cavendish ha così ottenuto l'incredibile poker di tappe al 103° Tour de France  -  Immagini TV


Tour de France #14: Cavendish sprints to his 30th career Tour win

Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka secure incredible 5th Le Tour win during #Qhubeka5000 challenge

Mark Cavendish made it another incredible day for Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka as he won stage 14 of the Tour de France. It was Cavendish's 4th win of the Tour and our African Team's 5th of the race this year. Alexander Kristoff (Katusha) finished 2nd and Peter Sagan (Tinkoff) placed 3rd.

The 208km from Montelimar to Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux was always looked at as being a stage for the sprinters. It was a stage our sprint ace, Cavendish had targeted weeks ago and so our African Team's plan was clear from early on in the stage. When 4 riders went clear in a breakaway attempt, Natnael Berhane went to the front of the peloton to control the gap.

The threat of crosswinds was constant throughout the day and so our African Team made sure to keep the gap under 4-minutes for the entire day while also keeping Cavendish protected at the head of the peloton. With 25km to go, Daniel Teklehaimanot and Serge Pauwels took over from Berhane and began upping the tempo with a precarious crosswind section coming up. The faster pace meant the breakaway was caught just inside 10km to go and a few riders then lost contact with the head of the race.

Cavendish and our Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka troops were perfectly positioned to execute our plan for the finale. Bernhard Eisel was flawless in piloting the boys up until 6km to go and then our South African, Reinardt Janse van Rensburg took over. For the final kilometer Cavendish had Boasson Hagen as his guardian right up until our Manxman fixed himself to the wheel of Marcel Kittel (Etixx-Quickstep). 

Kittel launched the sprint with around 250m to go and Cavendish was poised to jump going around the final right hand bend. Cavendish did so perfectly, rocketing into the lead and across the line first to take his 30th career Tour de France stage victory. A phenomenal achievement for the Manxman and a special win for our African Team, coming on the final day of our #Qhubeka5000 challenge campaign.

Mark Cavendish – Rider

It was a great day. It was a long day and it was easy to lose concentration and waste energy on a day like today. When it’s a headwind and the sun is out like that, you really have to try preserve yourself. The guys made sure I had everything I needed and was sheltered from the wind the whole day. Natnael rode the whole day from the front and then it was important to be on the front from a long way out because of the narrow road. We had Daniel and Serge riding to control the bunch and catch the breakaway. We had to use Bernie up early as well. He had to drop us off with 6km to go. From then on it was Reinie and Edvald looking after me. With 2km to go I saw Etixx-Quickstep were a little undermanned for a headwind finish, so I made sure I was on Marcel Kittel’s wheel. Edvald stayed there with me to make sure I was sheltered from the wind and I just rode of the back of those. Kittel was left a little early into the headwind so I waited until he got his peak speed and then jumped around him for the line. I am really happy with another win for Team Dimension Data and more exposure for Qhubeka, to get 5000 children on bicycles.

Team Dimension Data For Qhubeka
Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka was founded in 2007, steadily working its way up from a regional team to now being a World Tour team with bases in South Africa and Italy. It’s also known as Africa’s Team due to its focus on helping African talents to the world stage of cycling. The team races to raise funds for the Qhubeka Charity to mobilise people on bicycles in Africa. To contribute to the #BicyclesChangeLives Campaign, click 

Qhubeka is an Nguni word that means “to progress”“to move forward”. Qhubeka ( is part of World Bicycle Relief (, a global non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing education, health and economic opportunities by providing simple, sustainable transportation through the power of bicycles.  

Dimension Data ( uses the power of technology to help organisations achieve great things in the digital era. As a member of the NTT Group, we accelerate our clients’ ambitions through digital infrastructure, hybrid cloud, workspaces for tomorrow, and cybersecurity. With a turnover of USD 7.5 billion, offices in 58 countries, and 31,000 employees, we deliver wherever our clients are, at every stage of their technology journey. We’re proud to be the Official Technology Partner of Amaury Sport Organisation, organiser of the Tour de France, and the title partner of the cycling team, Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka.

Learn more about the team at

All images attached to the press release can be used with the respective image credit in combination to this release.


Tour de France: Kittel comes 5th in stage 14

On Saturday, the race visited Villars-les-Dombes, in the Ain department.

As soon as the flag dropped at the start of stage 14 – last one for the sprinters in the second week – Cesare Benedetti (Bora-Argon 18), Martin Elmiger (IAM Cycling), Alex Howes (Cannondale) and Jérémy Roy (FDJ) accelerated from the peloton and animated the day, opening a maximum advantage of five minutes, which helped them stay in the lead until the last five kilometers. That gap was controlled by the sprinters' teams, with Petr Vakoč taking some really long pulls and spending countless kilometers at the head of the peloton to make sure the stage will come down to the expected bunch gallop.

In the final two kilometers, Etixx – Quick-Step made its way to the front of the pack with four riders, who worked to bring Marcel Kittel in the best position for the sprint. Fabio Sabatini was the German's last man and once his job came to an end in the final 250 meters, Marcel launched his sprint, but was passed by Mark Cavendish (Dimension Data), who slightly changed his line once he took the front, and went on to win the stage, ahead of Alexander Kristoff (Katusha) and Peter Sagan (Tinkoff).

Despite missing out on a tenth career win at the Tour de France, Marcel Kittel had words of praise for his teammates, who showed the Etixx – Quick-Step kit at the front right from the start of the stage and made sure of setting him up in a good position for the sprint: "First of all I want to say that my team did a really good job, controlling the race, bringing me to the final and leading me out. I'm very proud of that and I want to thank the guys. Unfortunately, we didn't get the result we wanted and I must admit I'm disappointed."

By far the most successful World Tour rider of the season in terms of victories, Marcel also wanted to clear the air and dismiss any talks of a polemic between him and Mark Cavendish following the finish in Villars-les-Dombes"I started my sprint with around 220 meters to go; once I was at the front I saw Cavendish come by and as soon as he past me he went to the right. I had to brake and that was it. That move definitely influenced the result of today's stage, but it's not up to me to decide on this matter. I'm just disappointed of the outcome, because I had good sprinting legs."


Photo credit: ©Tim De Waele 


Cimolai sprinta all’ottavo posto nella 14^tappa del Tour de France

16 luglio 2016 

La 14^ tappa del Tour de France ha avuto un epilogo allo sprint come da previsione.

Il tracciato da Montélimar a Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux, per un totale di 208,5 km , è stato accompagnato da un forte vento contrario che non ha provocato ventagli in gruppo ma ha rallentato la marcia dei corridori.

Anche i fuggitivi di giornata, hanno dovuto desistere ai meno 20 km dalla conclusione e lasciare spazio ad uno sprint a ranghi compatti.

Per la Lampre Merida, bravo oggi Cimolai a destreggiarsi tutto solo nei km finali , gli ultimi 3 dei quali, in leggera  discesa e percorsi ad alta velocità.

Davide è riuscito a rimanere a ridosso dei migliori velocisti del Tour , sfruttando i treni avversari e piazzandosi all'ottavo posto di tappa.

Le parole di Cimolai : " Oggi sono contento perché ho avuto occasione di sprintare con i migliori velocisti presenti qui al Tour. Fare uno sprint in questa competizione senza compagni a disposizione negli ultimi km , non è semplice , so di dover sfruttare al massimo  il lavoro delle altre squadre per arrivare con un po' di gamba a disputare la volata. Gli ultimi km erano in leggera discesa ed ho provato sino all'ultimo a sfruttare la scia in rimonta sui velocisti meglio piazzati. Sono riuscito a recuperare sino all'ottavo posto e sono abbastanza soddisfatto , conto di migliorare il piazzamento nella prossima occasione utile".


1.    CAVENDISH Mark    101    TEAM DIMENSION DATA    05h 43' 49''
2.    KRISTOFF Alexander    144    TEAM KATUSHA    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
3.    SAGAN Peter    32    TINKOFF    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
4.    DEGENKOLB John    113    TEAM GIANT-ALPECIN    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
5.    KITTEL Marcel    181    ETIXX-QUICK STEP    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
6.    GREIPEL André    161    LOTTO SOUDAL    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
7.    COQUARD Bryan    171    DIRECT ENERGIE    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
8.    CIMOLAI Davide    154    LAMPRE - MERIDA    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
9.    LAPORTE Christophe    196    COFIDIS, SOLUTIONS CREDITS    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
10.    DUMOULIN Samuel    44    AG2R LA MONDIALE    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''


1.    FROOME Christopher    1    TEAM SKY    63h 46' 40''
2.    MOLLEMA Bauke    61    TREK - SEGAFREDO    63h 48' 27''    + 01' 47''
3.    YATES Adam    209    ORICA-BIKEEXCHANGE    63h 49' 25''    + 02' 45''
4.    QUINTANA Nairo    11    MOVISTAR TEAM    63h 49' 39''    + 02' 59''
5.    VALVERDE Alejandro    12    MOVISTAR TEAM    63h 49' 57''    + 03' 17''
6.    VAN GARDEREN Tejay    99    BMC RACING TEAM    63h 49' 59''    + 03' 19''
7.    BARDET Romain    41    AG2R LA MONDIALE    63h 50' 44''    + 04' 04''
8.    PORTE Richie    91    BMC RACING TEAM    63h 51' 07''    + 04' 27''
9.    MARTIN Daniel    184    ETIXX-QUICK STEP    63h 51' 43''    + 05' 03''
10.    IRU Fabio    21    ASTANA PRO TEAM    63h 51' 56''    + 05' 16''
11.    KREUZIGER Roman    36    TINKOFF    63h 52' 04''    + 05' 24''
12.    MEINTJES Louis    157    LAMPRE - MERIDA    63h 52' 28''    + 05' 48''


The 14th stage of  Tour de France has had an epilogue to sprint as forecast.


The track from Montélimar in Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux, for a total of 208,5 km , has been accompanied by a strong head winds that has not caused fans in the group but has slowed down the gear of the riders.


Also the fugitives of the day, had to desist to minus of 20 km from the conclusion and leave space for a compact sprint.


For Lampre Merida, bravo Cimolai today to juggle alone in the final km , the last 3 of which in downhill and routes at high speed.


Davide has managed to remain close to the best sprinters of the Tour , exploiting the trains opponents and placing at eighth in the stage.


The words of Cimolai : " Today I am happy because I have had the opportunity to sprint with the best sprinters present here the tour. Do a sprint in this competition without companions available in the last km , is not simple , I know I need to exploit to the maximum the work of the other teams to arrive with a little bit of leg to wrangle the sprint. The last km were slightly downhill and I tried until the last to exploit the wake in comeback on sprinters better placed. I managed to recover until the eighth place and I am quite satisfied , account to improve the placement in the next opportunity".




1.    CAVENDISH Mark    101    TEAM DIMENSION DATA    05h 43' 49''
2.    KRISTOFF Alexander    144    TEAM KATUSHA    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
3.    SAGAN Peter    32    TINKOFF    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
4.    DEGENKOLB John    113    TEAM GIANT-ALPECIN    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
5.    KITTEL Marcel    181    ETIXX-QUICK STEP    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
6.    GREIPEL André    161    LOTTO SOUDAL    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
7.    COQUARD Bryan    171    DIRECT ENERGIE    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
8.    CIMOLAI Davide    154    LAMPRE - MERIDA    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
9.    LAPORTE Christophe    196    COFIDIS, SOLUTIONS CREDITS    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''
10.    DUMOULIN Samuel    44    AG2R LA MONDIALE    05h 43' 49''    + 00' 00''


1.    FROOME Christopher    1    TEAM SKY    63h 46' 40''
2.    MOLLEMA Bauke    61    TREK - SEGAFREDO    63h 48' 27''    + 01' 47''
3.    YATES Adam    209    ORICA-BIKEEXCHANGE    63h 49' 25''    + 02' 45''
4.    QUINTANA Nairo    11    MOVISTAR TEAM    63h 49' 39''    + 02' 59''
5.    VALVERDE Alejandro    12    MOVISTAR TEAM    63h 49' 57''    + 03' 17''
6.    VAN GARDEREN Tejay    99    BMC RACING TEAM    63h 49' 59''    + 03' 19''
7.    BARDET Romain    41    AG2R LA MONDIALE    63h 50' 44''    + 04' 04''
8.    PORTE Richie    91    BMC RACING TEAM    63h 51' 07''    + 04' 27''
9.    MARTIN Daniel    184    ETIXX-QUICK STEP    63h 51' 43''    + 05' 03''
10.    IRU Fabio    21    ASTANA PRO TEAM    63h 51' 56''    + 05' 16''
11.    KREUZIGER Roman    36    TINKOFF    63h 52' 04''    + 05' 24''
12.    MEINTJES Louis    157    LAMPRE - MERIDA    63h 52' 28''    + 05' 48''



sito internet:


Mark Cavendish
vincitore della 14a tappa del Tour de France  ASO/P.Ballet

Ordine d'arrivo 14a tappa 103° Tour de France
1    Mark Cavendish (GBr) Dimension Data    5:43:49     
2    Alexander Kristoff (Nor) Team Katusha          
3    Peter Sagan
(Svk) Tinkoff Team          
4    John Degenkolb (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin          
5    Marcel Kittel (Ger) Etixx - Quick-Step          
6    André Greipel (Ger) Lotto Soudal          
7    Bryan Coquard (Fra) Direct Energie          

8    Davide Cimolai (Ita) Lampre - Merida          
9    Christophe Laporte (Fra) Cofidis, Solutions Credits          
10    Samuel Dumoulin (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale          

11    Dylan Groenewegen (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo          
12    Sam Bennett (Irl) Bora-Argon 18          
13    Roy Curvers (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin          
14    Michael Matthews (Aus) Orica-BikeExchange          
15    Mathew Hayman (Aus) Orica-BikeExchange          
16    Anthony Roux (Fra) FDJ          
17    Ramunas Navardauskas (Ltu) Cannondale-Drapac          
18    Daniel Mclay (GBr) Fortuneo - Vital Concept          
19    Brice Feillu (Fra) Fortuneo - Vital Concept          
20    Daryl Impey (RSA) Orica-BikeExchange          
21    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange          
22    Geoffrey Soupe (Fra) Cofidis, Solutions Credits          
23    Andriy Grivko (Ukr) Astana Pro Team          
24    Michael Schär (Swi) BMC Racing Team          
25    Jasper Stuyven (Bel) Trek-Segafredo          
26    William Bonnet (Fra) FDJ          
27    Sondre Holst Enger (Nor) IAM Cycling          
28    Vegard Breen (Nor) Fortuneo - Vital Concept          
29    Mikael Cherel (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale          
30    Fabio Aru (Ita) Astana Pro Team          
31    Edvald Boasson Hagen (Nor) Dimension Data          
32    Roman Kreuziger (Cze) Tinkoff Team          
33    Armindo Fonseca (Fra) Fortuneo - Vital Concept          
34    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18          
35    Pierre-Luc Perichon (Fra) Fortuneo - Vital Concept          
36    Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Etixx - Quick-Step          
37    Arthur Vichot (Fra) FDJ          
38    Stef Clement (Ned) IAM Cycling          

39    Jacopo Guarnieri (Ita) Team Katusha          
40    Sébastien Reichenbach (Swi) FDJ          
41    Imanol Erviti Ollo (Spa) Movistar Team          

42    Fabio Sabatini (Ita) Etixx - Quick-Step          
43    Richie Porte (Aus) BMC Racing Team          
44    Anthony Delaplace (Fra) Fortuneo - Vital Concept          
45    Alejandro Valverde (Spa) Movistar Team          
46    Jon Izaguirre (Spa) Movistar Team          
47    Georg Preidler (Aut) Team Giant-Alpecin          
48    Michael Albasini (Swi) Orica-BikeExchange          
49    Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team          
50    Grégory Rast (Swi) Trek-Segafredo

Chris Froome maglia gialla sul podio della 14a tappa del Tour de France  ASO/P.Ballet

Classifica generale maglia gialla dopo la 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Christopher Froome (GBr) Team Sky    63:46:40     
2    Bauke Mollema (Ned) Trek-Segafredo    0:01:47     
3    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange    0:02:45     

4    Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team    0:02:59     
5    Alejandro Valverde (Spa) Movistar Team    0:03:17     
6    Tejay Van Garderen (USA) BMC Racing Team    0:03:19     
7    Romain Bardet (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    0:04:04     
8    Richie Porte (Aus) BMC Racing Team    0:04:27     
9    Daniel Martin (Irl) Etixx - Quick-Step    0:05:03     
    Fabio Aru (Ita) Astana Pro Team    0:05:16     
11    Roman Kreuziger (Cze) Tinkoff Team    0:05:24     
12    Louis Meintjes (RSA) Lampre - Merida    0:05:48     
13    Joaquim Rodriguez (Spa) Team Katusha    0:05:54     
14    Sergio Henao (Col) Team Sky    0:06:25     
15    Geraint Thomas (GBr) Team Sky    0:06:48     
16    Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin    0:08:23     
17    Sébastien Reichenbach (Swi) FDJ    0:11:41     
18    Pierre Rolland (Fra) Cannondale-Drapac    0:15:06     
 Damiano Caruso (Ita) BMC Racing Team    0:15:40     
20    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18    0:19:02     
21    Mikel Nieve (Spa) Team Sky    0:22:38     
22    Tanel Kangert (Est) Astana Pro Team    0:27:55     
23    Frank Schleck (Lux) Trek-Segafredo    0:30:24     
24    Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo    0:30:27     
25    Alexis Vuillermoz (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    0:30:49     
26    Haimar Zubeldia (Spa) Trek-Segafredo    0:32:39     
27    Stef Clement (Ned) IAM Cycling    0:34:49     
28    Daniel Navarro (Spa) Cofidis, Solutions Credits    0:38:43     
29    Jarlinson Pantano (Col) IAM Cycling    0:44:04     
30    Mikel Landa Meana (Spa) Team Sky    0:45:53     
31    Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    0:46:22     
32    Ilnur Zakarin (Rus) Team Katusha    0:48:22     
Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Astana Pro Team    0:50:47     
 Domenico Pozzovivo (Ita) AG2R La Mondiale    0:50:50     
35    Daryl Impey (RSA) Orica-BikeExchange    0:51:18     
36    Serge Pauwels (Bel) Dimension Data    0:51:22     
37    Daniel Moreno (Spa) Movistar Team    0:54:08     
38    Sylvain Chavanel (Fra) Direct Energie    0:55:18     
39    Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin    0:56:18     
40    Wouter Poels (Ned) Team Sky    0:59:17     
41    Bartosz Huzarski (Pol) Bora-Argon 18    1:00:58     
42    Rafal Majka (Pol) Tinkoff Team    1:01:09     
43    Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team    1:01:11     
44    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    1:01:22     
45    Steve Morabito (Swi) FDJ    1:01:30     
46    Jan Bakelants (Bel) AG2R La Mondiale    1:02:05     
47    George Bennett (NZl) Team LottoNl-Jumbo    1:03:34     
48    Georg Preidler (Aut) Team Giant-Alpecin    1:04:00     
49    Luis Leon Sanchez (Spa) Astana Pro Team    1:05:16     
50    Amaël Moinard (Fra) BMC Racing Team    1:06:22     


Peter Sagan maglia verde sul podio della 14a tappa del Tour de France  ASO/P.Ballet

Classifica a punti maglia verde dopo la 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Peter Sagan (Svk) Tinkoff Team    340     pts
2    Mark Cavendish (GBr) Dimension Data    278     
3    Marcel Kittel (Ger) Etixx - Quick-Step    228     
4    Bryan Coquard (Fra) Direct Energie    145     
5    André Greipel (Ger) Lotto Soudal    128     
6    Michael Matthews (Aus) Orica-BikeExchange    127     
7    Alexander Kristoff (Nor) Team Katusha    122     
8    Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team    112     
9    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    106     
10    Christopher Froome (GBr) Team Sky    94    


Adam Yates maglia bianca sul podio della 14a tappa del Tour de France  ASO/P.Ballet

Classifica giovani maglia bianca dopo la 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange    63:49:25     
2    Louis Meintjes (RSA) Lampre - Merida    0:03:03     
3    Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin    0:05:38     
4    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18    0:16:17     
5    Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo    0:27:42     
6    Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    0:43:37     
7    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Etixx - Quick-Step    1:07:50     
8    Patrick Konrad (Aut) Bora-Argon 18    1:12:14     
9    Jan Polanc (Slo) Lampre - Merida    1:36:18     
10    Tsgabu Grmay (Eth) Lampre - Merida    1:36:43
Thomas De Gendt maglia a pois sul podio della 14a tappa del Tour de France  ASO/P.Ballet

Classifica delle montagne maglia a pois dopo la 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    90     pts
2    Rafal Majka (Pol) Tinkoff Team    77     
3    Daniel Navarro (Spa) Cofidis, Solutions Credits    68     
4    Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin    58     
5    Rui Costa (Por) Lampre - Merida    50     
6    Serge Pauwels (Bel) Dimension Data    40     
7    Stef Clement (Ned) IAM Cycling    35     
8    Diego Rosa (Ita) Astana Pro Team    27     
9    Winner Anacona (Col) Movistar Team    26     
10    Sylvain Chavanel (Fra) Direct Energie    24


Classifica squadre dopo la 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    BMC Racing Team    191:18:28     
2    Movistar Team    0:02:30     
3    Team Sky    0:08:10     
4    Astana Pro Team    0:26:33     
5    AG2R La Mondiale    0:45:58     
6    Trek-Segafredo    0:54:15     
7    Tinkoff Team    1:07:08     
8    Team Katusha    1:19:43     
9    IAM Cycling    1:24:22     
10    Orica-BikeExchange    1:24:53     
11    FDJ    1:31:24     
12    Team Giant-Alpecin    1:39:41     
13    Etixx - Quick-Step    2:01:36     
14    Lampre - Merida    2:08:52     
15    Bora-Argon 18    2:10:34     
16    Cofidis, Solutions Credits    2:21:25     
17    Team LottoNl-Jumbo    2:23:25     
18    Fortuneo - Vital Concept    2:48:31     
19    Direct Energie    2:58:04     
20    Cannondale-Drapac    3:07:50     
21    Dimension Data    3:12:29     
22    Lotto Soudal    3:41:31





istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 14a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 208.5 km - Montélimar / Villars-les-Dombes Parc des Oiseaux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey