Tom Dumoulin vince in solitaria la 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - Froome in maglia gialla - Immagini TV

9a tappa domenica 10 luglio - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis

Planimetria 9a tappa

Altimetria 9a tappa

TV 9a tappa

Ultimi chilometri 9a tappa

Tom Dumoulin vince in solitaria la 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - Immagine TV


Tom Dumoulin (NED) soloed to victory on the queen stage of the Tour de France, taking an impressive stage win that the team worked so hard for. 

Towards the Arcalis, the fifth ascent of the day,
Dumoulin attacked and climbed at a steady pace. In extreme weather conditions, Dumoulin was able to stay clear to win his first stage at the Tour de France.​

Read the full race report 

Tom Dumoulin (NED)

"To win the queen stage of the Tour de France here in Andorra is just fantastic. If somebody had told me a few days ago that I would win today I would have said they were crazy. Throughout the stage, I was starting to feel better and I saw the opportunity to join the break as my legs were feeling really good.

"It didn't matter to me that it was raining on the final ascent, I was just determined to do my best and I barely noticed the weather conditions. I was just in the suffering mode and completely focused on my effort. I am super happy with this performance.

"The first week of the Tour didn’t go too well at all and I was not feeling particularly content with my performances but my team kept my spirits up. So now I have won one of the toughest stages of the Tour and I am very proud of myself and the whole team."

Adriaan Helmantel (NED)

"It was a hard fight to join the breakaway. When Valverde dropped out of the break then it was clear that the front group would make it to the finish. The gap finally grew quickly and I was confident that they would make it to the finish. But there were still some strong riders in the group but Tom did a great job.

"During the first category climb he let the others attack and he set his own pace. In the valley before the final ascent, he attacked himself and he immediately created a small gap. Behind him in the chasing group there was a lack of cooperation and Tom's advantage grew to 40 seconds. 

"On the final climb
 he started with a 50 seconds gap, and they didn't close it and I became more confident that he could make it. In the end it was a little bit surreal with the rain and hailstorms and the final kilometre was just amazing."


Rui Costa vicino al successo, Meintjes entra nella top 10

Rui Costa close to the victory, Meintjes in the top 10 of the GC

10 luglio 2016 

Rui Costa e Louis Meintjes fanno risplendere i colori blu-fucsia-verdi nella tappa regina dei Pirenei, la Vielha Val d'Aran-Andorra Arcalis (184,5 km con le salite del Port de la Bonaigua, il Port del Cantò, la Cote de la Comella, la Cote de Beixalis e l'ascesa finale verso il traguardo), corsa in condizioni atmosferiche surreali dettate dal repentino cambio tra temperature vicine ai 40° e un nubifragio con aggiunta di grandine ad attendere i corridori sull'ultima salita.

Il campione del mondo di Firenze 2013 conosceva molto bene il percorso e aveva già da tempo messo nel mirino la tappa, tanto che non ha atteso molto dopo il via in salita per inserirsi in un attacco di una decina di corridori, raggiunti presto da un largo drappello di fuggitivi che hanno condotto la gara nei primi chilometri del Port de la Bonaigua.
La fuga, inizialmente composta da 48 corridori (per la LAMPRE-MERIDA, presenti oltre a
Rui Costa anche Grmay e Bono), si è selezionata fino a 21 membri (Rui Costa e Grmay rimasti davanti) che hanno guadagnato un vantaggio massimo di 10'30".

Quando l'accordo tra i fuggitivi è venuto meno, lo scalatore etiope ha cercato il contrattacco, percorrendo la Cote de la Comella in testa alla corsa in compagnia di Coppel, ma la loro azione è stata neutralizzata in vista dello scollinamento.
La successiva salita, la Cote de Beixalis, riduce il gruppetto dei fuggitivi a 10 corridori, comprendenti
Rui Costa, il quale ha cercato un allungo a 20 km dal traguardo, trovando però la reazione degli avversari, reazione che non è stata così efficace in occasione dell'attacco di Dumoulin ai -12 km.
Rui Costa ha cercato più volte di ridurre il divario dall'olandese, arrivato a contare su un margine superiore al minuto, ma non ha trovato grande collaborazione e, lungo l'ascesa finale, è rimasto all'inseguimento di Dumoulin in compagnia del solo Majka.,
Il portoghese, nonostante una grande prova in salita, si è dovuto accontentare di tagliare in seconda posizione il traguardo a 38" dal vincitore (foto Bettini).

Dietro ai fuggitivi, la lotta tra gli uomini di classifica si è accesa solo sulla salita conclusiva, mentre dal cielo le nuvole scarivavano acqua e grandine.
Ottima prova di
Louis Meintjes, sempre efficace nel riportarsi sotto ai vari tentativi di allungo: il giovane sudafricano ha tagliato il traguardo in 19^posizione, a 6'56" da Dumoulin ma a soli 21" da Yates, Froome e Quintana, il trio degli uomini di classifica che hanno mostrato maggior brillantezza.
La prestazione di rilievo nella tappa pirenaica consente a
Meintjes di giungere al giorno di riposo occupando un posto nella top 10 della classifica generale: Louis è 9° a 55" da Froome.Il corridore della LAMPRE-MERIDA è sempre secondo nella graduatoria dei giovani, a 39" da Yates.

"La tappa è stata durissima, prima con molto caldo, poi con il nubifragio finale al termine di tante salite - ha commentato Rui Costa Volevo realizzare una bella prestazione, cercare un risultato di prestigio, per fare questo sapevo che era necessario andare in fuga e sono riuscito a evadere dal gruppo, nonostante nella prima parte di gara non avessi ottime sensazioni.
Avevo però tanta forza di volontà e ho saputo gestirmi bene, così nel finale stavo meglio e ho fatto di tutto per sfruttare questa buona opportunità.
Ho provato l'attacco a 20 km dalla fine per cercare di anticipare gli avversari: io non ho avuto fortuna, Dumoulin ha invece scelto il momento perfetto ed è riuscito a vincere.
Non ho vinto, ma un secondo posto di tappa al Tour è sempre un ottimo risultato".

1- Dumoulin 5h16'24"
2- Rui Costa 38"
3- Majka s.t.
4- Navarro 1'39"
5- Anacona 1'57"
19- Meintjes 6'56", 54- Grmay 19'03", 66- Polanc 21'14", 81- Durasek 25'48", 88- Pibernik 28'16", 111- Arashiro 31'48", 163- Bono 35'26", 183- Cimolai


1- Froome 44h36'03"
2- Yates 16"
3- Martin D. 19"
4- Quintana 23"
5- Rodriguez 37"
9- Meintjes 55"


Rui Costa and Meintjes made the blue-fuchsia-green colors shine in the queen Pyrenean stage, the Vielha Val d'Aran-Andorra Arcalis (184,5 km with the climb of Port de la Bonaigua, Port del Cantò, Cote de la Comella, Cote de Beixalis and the final climb to the summit arrival), which was reaced in surreal weather conditions which changed suddenly from the 40° to the downpour of rain and hail which waited the riders on the final ascent.

The Florence 2013 world champion knows well the course of the stage, which was one of his main target for this Tour de France, so he did not wait too long after the start to join a group of 10 attackers who escaped on the first climb.
They were soon reached by other attackers and they formed a large group of 48 riders (the members' list included Rui Costa, Grmay and Bono), which however was selected on the climb and only 21 cyclists (Rui Costa and Grmay among them) could reach the summer leading the race.

They had a maximum advantage of 10'30", however when the race entered in Andorra, the cooperation between the breakaway members ended and so Grmay and Coppel tried to counter-attack on the Cote de la Comella, but their action was neutralized before the summit.
The following climb (Cote de Beixalis) reduced the front group to ten members and Rui Costa succeeded in being in this small group. The Portuguese talent tried a solo attack at 20 km to the arrival, however the opponents reacted and they succeeded in bridging the gap; the same result was not achieved when, at -12 km, Dumoulin attacked obtaining an advantage of more than 1'.
Rui Costa made some attempts to reach Dumoulin, however he did not received the necessary support by the other riders and finally, when they were covering the final climb, he was the only one opponents, together with Majka, who could keep a good pace which allow them to reduce the gap.
Unfortunately, this was not enough for Rui, who was 2nd at 38" to the winner (photo Bettini).

Behind the breakaway, the battle among the general classification contenders started only on the final ascent, when the hail was falling from the sky.
Meintjes completed a very good performance which allowed him to be ready to follow all the attacks attempts and gave him the 19th place at 6'56" to Dumoulin and at 21" to the trio of the most competitive GC's contented, who were Yates, Froome and Quintana.
Thanks to today performance, the South African climber will spend the rest day being 9th in the general classification, at 55" to Froome.
Meintjes is 2nd in the white jersey standing, at 39" to Yates.

"The stage was so demanding, with all those climbs and the sudden change of the weather conditions - Rui Costa explained - I had focused my ambitions on this stage and I was aware that it was necessary to be in a breakaway for aiming for a top result.
I went clear from the bunch with the first attack, however the early part of the stage was quite complicated for me because I had not top feelings.
In the second part, I was better and I did everything I could to achieve the main goal.
I attacked at 20 km to the arrival because I wanted to anticipated the opponents, however it did not work, while Dumoulin succeeded in realizing the winning attack few kilometers later.
The second place in a Tour de France's stage is a good result, however I'll try again to achieve the big target".

1- Dumoulin 5h16'24"
2- Rui Costa 38"
3- Majka s.t.
4- Navarro 1'39"
5- Anacona 1'57"
19- Meintjes 6'56", 54- Grmay 19'03", 66- Polanc 21'14", 81- Durasek 25'48", 88- Pibernik 28'16", 111- Arashiro 31'48", 163- Bono 35'26", 183- Cimolai

1- Froome 44h36'03"
2- Yates 16"
3- Martin D. 19"
4- Quintana 23"
5- Rodriguez 37"
9- Meintjes 55"

sito internet: www.teamlampremerida.com


Tour de France: Aggressive Dan Martin goes to the attack in the Pyrenees

On the final stage of the opening week, the 29-year-old managed to jump in the top 3 overall
10-Jul-2016: Another hard day, with four categorized climbs jammed in less than 200 kilometers, awaited the bunch on stage 9 of the Tour de France, which was coming ahead of a well-deserved rest day. On Sunday, the riders had to overcome not only the excruciating course, but also the hailstorm which made even more miserable the final climb on the route, Andorre Arcalis, which the Tour de France was visiting for just the third time in history, after the 1997 and 2009 editions. Many were expecting for the GC to erupt on Sunday, and a serious attempt took place on the first categorized climb of the day, which witnessed a combined attack of Alberto Contador (Tinkoff) and Alejandro Valverde (Movistar).

Riding on home turf on a stage that took the pack outside France, the two Spaniards went after a large group who was at the front, but as they didn’t have such a big deficit in the standings, Team Sky wasn’t willing to give them carte blanche, so it summoned all its riders to the front of the bunch and chased down the dangerous duo. Once the catch was made, the breakaway went clear and soon enjoyed a 5-minute gap, which later was widened to 10 minutes, while behind, in the peloton, Alberto Contador decided to call it a day with 100 kilometers left of the stage and retired from the race.

That advantage the escapees had didn’t came down in the final part of stage 9, so Andorre Arcalis was the backdrop of two separate fights: one for the victory and one between the general classification riders. From the lead group, Tom Dumoulin (Giant-Alpecin) soloed to victory ahead of Rui Costa (Lampre-Merida) and Rafal Majka (Tinkoff), who rounded out the podium. A few kilometers behind, Sergio Henao (Team Sky) decided to test the favourites and Daniel Martin – fourth at the start of the day – was the first to respond, his strong acceleration forcing a selection.

Just like a boxer, Dan channeled his inner strength and launched one jab after another, attacking overall leader Chris Froome (Team Sky) on numerous occasions, hoping to dispatch him and seize the coveted yellow jersey. Despite the black ominous clouds that covered the sky and the rain which was pelting down, the 29-year-old kept attacking the other conteders, emptying himself and leaving it all on the final stage of the Pyrenees triptyque. Dan’s impressive effort couldn’t distance his opponents, but it left him satisfied at the end of the day, as he jumped one place in the overall classification and will now go into the race’s first rest day – after nine stages and almost 1800 kilometers spent in the saddle – in third position, less than 20 seconds behind the GC leader.

“I don’t consider myself a contender, Chris and Nairo are the big favourites for the win, but I wanted to see what I can do, so I attacked a few times. In the final kilometer it was a headwind, and because of that it became difficult to try something there”, said Dan, who moved to Andorra last year and began using the Andorre Arcalis climb as one of his regular training grounds. “Overall, I can’t say the weather had an impact, but I’m sure it looked cooler on TV. I’m third overall now, but I still want to take it day by day and try to get a stage win. I like riding again in the high mountains, Etixx – Quick-Step reminded me how to enjoy what I am doing and I can’t say enough times how great this team is. I’m an aggressive rider, that’s my nature, and I like to attack and fight for the win even if this means getting dropped, instead of sitting behind and fighting for second.”

Image credits
Daniel-Martin-Tour-de-France-Stage-9-_c_Tim-De-Waele.jpg - Dan Martin / All pictures attached can be used for editorial and non commercial usages only and are copyright protected - © Etixx - Quick-Step / Tim de Waele



"Today's final was really tremendous, the hail came down strongly and it hurts. Fabio has lost something, but tomorrow we will have a day of rest and we can regain strength for the rest of the Tour. Now I run to change my clothes, or I get sick" commented Vincenzo Nibali after the stage.

“It hasn’t been my best day but we managed it and we lost only one minute from the GC contenders” said Fabio Aru after the finish line.

“I payed a little bit the high rythm and in the final climb, when it has started to rain and then to hail, I’ve lost some seconds – explained ∫ – thanks to my team mates and to Vincenzo Nibali in the final km we did good limiting in 1 minute the gap from the Yellow Jersey.”

“Tomorrow there is the first rest day and I think it comes in the perfect moment for me – concluded Aru I’m not worried because the Tour is still very long, we have two  weeks of race ahead of us…”.

Today stage was marked by an epic final on the uphill to the finish line in Andorra Arcalis with a big storm, rain and hail falling down on the riders. The Dutch Tom Dumoulin won the stage after a long escape, in which our Diego Rosa was present. The British Christopher Froome kept the Yellow Jersey.


Tom Dumoulin da vincitore di tappa sul podio della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - © ASO/A.Broadway

Ordine d'arrivo 9a tappa 103° Tour de France
1    Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin    5:16:24     
2    Rui Costa (Por) Lampre - Merida    0:00:38     
3    Rafal Majka (Pol) Tinkoff Team          
4    Daniel Navarro (Spa) Cofidis, Solutions Credits    0:01:39     
5    Winner Anacona (Col) Movistar Team    0:01:57     
6    Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ    0:02:30     
7    George Bennett (NZl) Team LottoNl-Jumbo    0:02:48     

8    Diego Rosa (Ita) Astana Pro Team    0:02:52     
9    Mathias Frank (Swi) IAM Cycling    0:03:44     
10    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange    0:06:35     

11    Christopher Froome (GBr) Team Sky          
12    Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team          
13    Richie Porte (Aus) BMC Racing Team    0:06:37     
14    Daniel Martin (Irl) Etixx - Quick-Step          
15    Jesus Herrada (Spa) Movistar Team          
16    Sergio Henao (Col) Team Sky    0:06:56     
17    Romain Bardet (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale          
18    Bauke Mollema (Ned) Trek-Segafredo          
19    Louis Meintjes (RSA) Lampre - Merida          
20    Joaquim Rodriguez (Spa) Team Katusha          
21    Tejay Van Garderen (USA) BMC Racing Team    0:07:13     
22    Roman Kreuziger (Cze) Tinkoff Team    0:07:17     
23    Alejandro Valverde (Spa) Movistar Team          
24    Alexis Vuillermoz (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale          
25    Geraint Thomas (GBr) Team Sky    0:07:24     

26    Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Astana Pro Team    0:07:35     
27    Fabio Aru (Ita) Astana Pro Team          
28    Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin          
29    Natnael Berhane (Eri) Dimension Data    0:08:27     
30    Frank Schleck (Lux) Trek-Segafredo    0:08:41     
31    Sébastien Reichenbach (Swi) FDJ          
32    Pierre Rolland (Fra) Cannondale-Drapac          
33    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    0:08:50     
34    Mikel Nieve (Spa) Team Sky    0:09:30     

35    Damiano Caruso (Ita) BMC Racing Team    0:09:41     
36    Stef Clement (Ned) IAM Cycling    0:09:44     
37    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18    0:09:47     
38    Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Team Katusha    0:10:08     
39    Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo          
40    Jan Bakelants (Bel) AG2R La Mondiale    0:10:18     
41    Serge Pauwels (Bel) Dimension Data    0:10:51     
42    Luis Leon Sanchez (Spa) Astana Pro Team    0:12:53     
43    Tanel Kangert (Est) Astana Pro Team    0:13:06     
44    Steve Morabito (Swi) FDJ    0:13:50     
45    Haimar Zubeldia (Spa) Trek-Segafredo          
46    Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    0:13:59     
47    Wouter Poels (Ned) Team Sky    0:14:01     
48    Daniel Moreno (Spa) Movistar Team    0:15:09     
49    Daryl Impey (RSA) Orica-BikeExchange    0:15:36     
50    Ruben Plaza (Spa) Orica-BikeExchange          

Chris Froome in maglia gialla sul podio della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - © ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica generale maglia gialla dopo la 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Christopher Froome (GBr) Team Sky    44:36:03     
2    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange    0:00:16     
3    Daniel Martin (Irl) Etixx - Quick-Step    0:00:19     
4    Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team    0:00:23     
5    Joaquim Rodriguez (Spa) Team Katusha    0:00:37     
6    Romain Bardet (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    0:00:44     
7    Bauke Mollema (Ned) Trek-Segafredo          
8    Sergio Henao (Col) Team Sky          
9    Louis Meintjes (RSA) Lampre - Merida    0:00:55     
10    Alejandro Valverde (Spa) Movistar Team    0:01:01     

11    Tejay Van Garderen (USA) BMC Racing Team          
12    Roman Kreuziger (Cze) Tinkoff Team    0:01:16     

13    Fabio Aru (Ita) Astana Pro Team    0:01:23     
14    Richie Porte (Aus) BMC Racing Team    0:02:10     
15    Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin    0:02:51     
16    Geraint Thomas (GBr) Team Sky    0:03:20     
17    Pierre Rolland (Fra) Cannondale-Drapac    0:04:01     
18    Sébastien Reichenbach (Swi) FDJ    0:05:22     
19    Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo    0:05:28     
20    Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Team Katusha    0:05:33     
21    Mikel Nieve (Spa) Team Sky    0:07:30     
22    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18    0:08:48     
23    Frank Schleck (Lux) Trek-Segafredo    0:11:20     
24    Mathias Frank (Swi) IAM Cycling    0:12:00     

25    Damiano Caruso (Ita) BMC Racing Team    0:12:13     
26    Tanel Kangert (Est) Astana Pro Team    0:15:30     
27    Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ    0:15:39     
28    Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    0:16:57     
29    Alexis Vuillermoz (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    0:19:44     

30    Domenico Pozzovivo (Ita) AG2R La Mondiale    0:20:50     
31    Haimar Zubeldia (Spa) Trek-Segafredo    0:21:42     
32    Rafal Majka (Pol) Tinkoff Team    0:25:56     
33    George Bennett (NZl) Team LottoNl-Jumbo    0:26:03     
34    Daniel Navarro (Spa) Cofidis, Solutions Credits    0:28:04     
35    Steve Morabito (Swi) FDJ    0:29:40     
36    Mikel Landa Meana (Spa) Team Sky    0:33:53     

37    Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Astana Pro Team    0:34:14     
38    Stef Clement (Ned) IAM Cycling    0:34:35     
39    Jarlinson Pantano (Col) IAM Cycling    0:35:47     
40    Laurens Ten Dam (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin    0:36:27     
41    Daryl Impey (RSA) Orica-BikeExchange    0:37:03     
42    Daniel Moreno (Spa) Movistar Team    0:37:33     
43    Ilnur Zakarin (Rus) Team Katusha    0:40:03     
44    Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin    0:40:24     
45    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Etixx - Quick-Step    0:40:37     
46    Georg Preidler (Aut) Team Giant-Alpecin    0:42:03     
47    Peter Stetina (USA) Trek-Segafredo    0:42:05     
48    Rui Costa (Por) Lampre - Merida    0:42:27     
49    Fabrice Jeandesboz (Fra) Direct Energie    0:42:38     
50    Wouter Poels (Ned) Team Sky    0:42:46     

Mark CAVENDISH in maglia verde nella 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France 
© ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica a punti maglia verde dopo la 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Mark Cavendish (GBr) Dimension Data    204     pts
2    Peter Sagan (Svk) Tinkoff Team    197     
3    Marcel Kittel (Ger) Etixx - Quick-Step    182     
4    Bryan Coquard (Fra) Direct Energie    112     
5    Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team    90     
6    André Greipel (Ger) Lotto Soudal    89     
7    Michael Matthews (Aus) Orica-BikeExchange    77     
8    Alexander Kristoff (Nor) Team Katusha    74     
9    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    65     
10    Edward Theuns (Bel) Trek-Segafredo    64

Adam YATES in maglia bianca nella 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France 
© ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica giovani maglia bianca dopo la 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange    44:36:19     
2    Louis Meintjes (RSA) Lampre - Merida    0:00:39     
3    Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin    0:02:35     
4    Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo    0:05:12     
5    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18    0:08:32     
6    Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    0:16:41     
7    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Etixx - Quick-Step    0:40:21     
8    Patrick Konrad (Aut) Bora-Argon 18    0:57:17     
9    Lawson Craddock (USA) Cannondale-Drapac    1:02:20     
10    Jan Polanc (Slo) Lampre - Merida    1:07:33  

Thibaut PINOT in maglia a pois nella 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France
© ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica delle montagne maglia a pois dopo la 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ    80     pts
2    Rafal Majka (Pol) Tinkoff Team    77     
3    Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin    50     
4    Rui Costa (Por) Lampre - Merida    40     
5    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    36     
6    Daniel Navarro (Spa) Cofidis, Solutions Credits    36     
7    Diego Rosa (Ita) Astana Pro Team    27     
8    Winner Anacona (Col) Movistar Team    26     
9    George Bennett (NZl) Team LottoNl-Jumbo    23     
10    Christopher Froome (GBr) Team Sky    22

Classifica squadre dopo la 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Movistar Team    133:49:31     
2    Team Sky    0:02:26     
3    BMC Racing Team    0:03:28     
4    Astana Pro Team    0:05:51     
5    AG2R La Mondiale    0:24:13     
6    Tinkoff Team    0:24:25     
7    Trek-Segafredo    0:31:03     
8    Team Katusha    0:43:12     
9    FDJ    0:48:44     
10    Team Giant-Alpecin    0:53:54     
11    IAM Cycling    1:05:37     
12    Orica-BikeExchange    1:14:43     
13    Lampre - Merida    1:26:41     
14    Etixx - Quick-Step    1:28:01     
15    Bora-Argon 18    1:32:14     
16    Team LottoNl-Jumbo    1:50:38     
17    Cofidis, Solutions Credits    1:56:23     
18    Cannondale-Drapac    2:02:11     
19    Fortuneo - Vital Concept    2:15:11     
20    Direct Energie    2:19:47     
21    Dimension Data    3:02:50     
22    Lotto Soudal    3:20:55    






istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade
istantanee della 9a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 184.5 km - Vielha Val d'Aran / Andorre Arcalis ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade